Belwind is a wind farm off the coast of Belgium. The wind farm was built on Bligh Bank, 46 kilometres off the coast of Zeebrugge, with a maximum water depth of 37 metres.

Herbosch-Kiere protected an export cable by covering it with a top layer of rocks with a minimum thickness of 1 metre. The material dumped was deposited as two different layers: firstly, the filter layer consisting of 1-3ā€¯ stones which was then covered by the armour layer consisting of 1-5ā€¯ stones. The filter layer was 0.35 m thick and the armour layer 0.65 m thick.

We carried out these works using our multifunctional vessel ATLANTIS.

  • Project name

    Belwind stonedumping
  • Location

    Belwind wind farm
  • Building period

    2012 - 2013
  • Project name
