This project formed part of the works involved in order to reconstruct the Scheldt quays in the city of Antwerp. By strengthening the quay walls and increasing the height of the water defence on the right bank in Antwerp, the intention was to protect the city against flooding and strengthen the link between land and water through the creation of new public spaces. The combined length of the Scheldt quays in Antwerp is 6.8 kilometres.
Herbosch-Kiere and partners looked at structural stability and the water retaining structure for the bank structures at Ledeganck quay (more than 700 metres long). The piling works consisted of pile-driving for a combi-wall, sheet piles as a rear wall and transverse walls. The groundworks included the breaking up of clay (+/- 60,000 t) and the removal of rubble (+/- 1,000,000 t). The new quay wall was built with a concrete cap and provided with ground anchors (410 pieces (2,850 mm²/1,950 mm²)). We demolished the old quay wall using dynamite and our crane vessel ALBATROS took care of the clearing of the rubble underwater at depths between 11 m and 18 m.