
load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle

Loadtest in Halle

The new bridges, Zuidbrug and Zennebrug in the city of Halle (Belgium) passed their load tests with flying colours!  

Following on from these significant tests, we are now nearing completion of the bridges. 20 individually loaded trucks of 26t, 32t and 44t were lined up along the bridges to simulate the proposed load configurations :

  • Test Zuidbrug: 20 trucks with a total weight of 680t. The opening of the Zuidbrug is due to take place after the works on the railway tunnel and retaining walls are completed.
  • Test Zennebrug: 10 trucks with a total weight of 275t. Open to traffic from the beginning of September.

load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle load test bridge brugbelastingsproef brug Halle