
Update from Rive Bel-Air in Senegal!

Milestone achieved! Last week, from Rive Bel-Air in Senegal, we submerged two 250-meter-long HDPE ducts to the seabed!

In collaboration with Enshore Subsea, we are installing two 17.5 km, 225 kV submarine power cables in Dakar Bay. These cables will be routed through HDPE ducts, enabling them to come ashore and supply additional power to Dakar. All activities are undertaken in the framework of the Senegal Power Compact for client MCA-Sénégal II.

The ducts consist of 12-meter sections welded together on land using mirror welding. A pre-wire is currently in place to pull the cable through later. Finally, both ducts were bolted together, accounting for a total length of 500 metres that was submerged to the seabed in one piece.

Watch a video of the works here.