After a trial period of three months, Herbosch-Kiere chose to purchase the mobile Ballast Water Management Treatment System from manufacturer Bawat. With this system, Herbosch-Kiere can treat ballast water from several vessels.
Pieter Nagels, Head of the Equipment department at Herbosch-Kiere: “We were extremely happy that we were able to try out the system in the spring of 2020 and found that it suited our needs perfectly. Choosing a Bawat Mobile BWMS has enabled us not only to serve our own fleet according to regulations but also to offer ballast water treatment to third parties as a new commercial service or project solution.”
Marcus Hummer, CEO at Bawat: “Finding the right BMWS solution is a major challenge for any company and that is why we were so delighted to find out how satisfied Herbosch-Kiere is with the Bawat Mobile BWMS. The way in which the Bawat solution with its single-pass technology can serve several vessels shows how Bawat can create value for its customers.”
How the Mobile BWMS from Bawat works
The Bawat Mobile BWMS solution is a compact system that can be placed in a container, making it easy to transport in a port area or onboard a vessel. The Bawat Mobile BWMS makes it possible to treat ballast water on an inland vessel or at ports, terminals and shipyards if an onboard system has not been installed. A large number of vessels can be served by installing and operating mobile purification units, resulting in lower investment and processing costs compared to traditional BWMS systems which are installed on a single vessel.
The mobile system from Bawat is a single-pass system that either delivers treated D2-compliant ballast water before a vessel sets sail or receives and treats ballast water during de-ballasting on its return. Because a single pass is sufficient, extra storage/retention time is avoided. And because the Bawat technology works without a filter, it avoids one of the biggest operational obstacles in traditional BWMSs. So when the ballast water leaves the Bawat system, either in ballast mode or in de-ballast mode, the ballast water fully complies with the IMO discharge criteria – D2 – for ballast water.