
Restart of work on storm surge barrier in Nieuwpoort

Herbosch-Kiere is proud to announce the restart of the works on the storm surge barrier in Nieuwpoort. From March, the work will restart. Four months ago, the works were partially halted due to uncertainties about the effective current speeds in the channel. Additional studies were therefore undertaken to provide clarity. “An expert team examined the results and concluded that additional streamlining measures will improve navigability. As a result, the works can now be restarted,” said Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust.

The storm surge barrier is an important line of defence against the sea and a critical infrastructure for the region. Work has been temporarily halted due to uncertainty about the capacity of the planned bypass sewers and their effect on currents. To allow as much pleasure sailing through the harbour channel as possible, the current may not exceed three knots at spring tide. Additional current guides will now be installed for this purpose and the bypass sewers will also be slightly modified technically. How much extra this will cost and whether the additional work will have an impact on the schedule is not clear yet.

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters: “I am pleased that there is clarity and that the works on the storm surge barrier in Nieuwpoort can restart. The Coastal Safety Master Plan and this storm surge barrier are essential to protect our coast and hinterland against flooding. In doing so, we are also taking maximum account of the possibilities for recreational boating.”

About the project

Construction of the storm surge barrier in Nieuwpoort started five years ago. The KUST department of the Flemish government is building a storm surge barrier in the Harbour channel. This construction is an important step in the defence against the influence of the sea in Nieuwpoort during heavy storms. After thorough studies and an architectural design, a horizontal sector slide with a passage width of 38 metres was chosen. The construction of the storm surge barrier is a subproject of the Coastal Safety Master Plan.